Thursday, June 19, 2014

All I know is...

Last time I was at the beach there was a Kindergarten class playing in the sand, and they all lined their shoes up in this cute little row.

I haven't felt like cooking all week. I had a bowl of blueberry wheats for dinner and it was so satisfying.

I usually don't mind humidity (weird I know) but it has been really intense and draining lately. I keep drinking instant coffee at work to fight off the sleepies.

Bear must be feeling a little neglected because he keeps trying to lick my hands as I type.

Speaking of Bear, I bought him a ball that has a bell inside and he was afraid of it until I held him in my lap and waved it in front of his face for a while. Does that make me a bad dog mom?

One class had some writing homework this week, and a boy came in with all these sentences about Cindy and Andy that he had clearly copied from an English book. And then he got upset when I didn't give him any points. 

There is a man that drives a truck around my neighborhood selling watermelons for about $5, and the only time I see him is when my arms are already full of things or I'm on my way to work. I want a cheap watermelon!

Tomorrow is Friday and I might just play games in all my classes. Most of the kids decided to be really difficult this week and they don't really deserve game day but I deserve a break from teaching them.

Happy almost weekend everybody!

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